The Firm

Manduchi Law Studio Legale was founded in Rome in 2020 by the attorney at law Carla Manduchi, thanks to the experience gained by in over twenty-five years of collaboration in Rome office at Studio Legale Stile criminal law firm, under the leadership of the late and beloved Prof. Avv. Alfonso M. Stile, professor emeritus of criminal law at the University La Sapienza in Rome.

The other staff members were equally trained in the same firm, counting over ten years of experience in the criminal law sector.

The in-depth skills of the members, acquired in judicial activity and in legal advice to individuals and companies, today allow the Firm to offer accurate professional assistance extended to the entire field of criminal law, both in the judicial and extra-judicial fields, guaranteeing services capable to address all issues of interest to the subjects typically involved, such as companies, corporate bodies, shareholders and creditors.

Furthermore, the Professionals have gained an in-depth knowledge of the various profiles of the criminal liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, including judicial assistance, drafting and implementation of organization and management models, role of members of Supervisory Bodies of leading national and international companies, in which all are involved.

The Firm collaborates in close synergy with leading Italian law firms, thus ensuring its clients complete legal assistance also in other areas of law.

Legal assistance is also provided to foreign individuals and companies, thanks to the multi-year collaboration with leading international law firms for criminal matters, also ensured by the knowledge of the English language.

Partnership with Consulia

Manduchi Law Studio Legale completes itself in other disciplinary sectors thanks to the collaboration with CONSULIA – Studio Legale e Commerciale, with which it shares not only the headquarters, but, also and above all, the objectives underlying the performance of the professional activity and the care of the interests of its own clients.

Consisting of a team of lawyers and accountants, the law firm Consulia combines various professional skills, developed in the context of legal and commercial consultancy, in order to provide a multidisciplinary service, based on the principle of complete assistance; in particular, the Firm deals with: family and succession law, labor litigation, medical liability, financial intermediation and savings protection, corporate law, debt recovery, health law, industrial law, tax and corporate consultancy, European funds and new companies.

Request for information

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After excluding any form of conflict of interest by the Firm, we will contact you within three working days.

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